Tuesday 17 June 2014

My Uni Desk

When I first opened the door to my halls bedroom, room 2, on Friday the 13th of September 2013 I instantly started seeing where I could place all my 'nicknacks'. It wasn't instantly pretty but as time went by and the hectic times of freshers week had passed I began to properly unpack and make my little room more homely.

I was lucky to have quite large room as far as uni halls go and it came with a massive built in desk and large pin board above the bed. i had no plans of what I really wanted it to look like but it just started to take shape.

Anyone who visited me or went in to my room to 'use the loo' at a pre drinks party would comment on my decor and how it looked rather like a forest, compliment? I think so! I'm a little addicted to pretty 'shabby chic' things and can't quite get enough of bunting or fairy lights. As you can probably see from my pictures I like to call myself an 'artistic border' that I think gives my room its own quirky comfortableness!

Don't hesitate to ask in the comment for where bits and pieces are from.

Laura xo

More pictures on my instagram: instagram.com/laurahelliwellx

Monday 16 June 2014

The Best 8 Months Of My Life

So you could say that the past year has been pretty crazy. I hesitantly took the decision to move away from home and broaden my horizons. I can now honestly say that it was the best decision I've ever made. I'm only 19 so won't be going all old and wise on your booty but what I can say is that it has changed me very much for the better. I am a more confident, out going, positive, enthusiastic and adventurous person.
University is what I'm talking about, and all the mischievous antics and memories to go with it. With the help of family and friends I've been able to finish my first year with a 2:1 and not brake any bones (or many laws) in the process. This may all sound peachy and amazing and the truth is that it is but it has also been hard. Being away from your loved ones, struggling with money, the pressure to do well and the damn right obnoxious guys will ultimately do your head in.
However, the freeness (if that is a word), independence and new found control you have over your life leads the way to self discovery and, as cheesy as it may sound, happiness. I can only encourage, from one stranger to another, to take the massive leap and take all opportunities that come your way because you never know just how good it could be.

See my Instagram http://instagram.com/laurahelliwellx for many more pictures

Wednesday 9 January 2013


So I've not posted since September. Yikes. I suppose I've been too anxious to and also not had all the spare time in the world.I'm currently going through A Level exams and therefore I am looking for anything else to do that is'nt revision. Naughty.
I just thought I would say why I'm here and what I'm doing.I bet many people who are reading this or who have their own blog such as this will aspire to be a 'big blogger' or a 'famous YouTuber'. YouTube and blogs is something relatively new to me and something I discovered during the Summer of 2012. Straight away it appealed to me and drew me in. Then bam! It becomes my hobbie and my obsession. I waste (in other peoples opinion) hours everyday reading blogs, watching YouTube videos and surfing the internet for things I can only dream of having.
I'm hoping that this blog can be a place I can come to to unwind and be some sort of dodgy diary. Sharing the things I love (hence the name).
So. Let's begin.First of all, I'm addicted to Instagram.Below are a few of my favourite, most recent and ooooberly loved posts/photos from Christmas and New Year 2012.
Hugs, LauraLoves xxx

Firstly, let's just take a moment to appreciate my pink flowery wellies that I wore on our family New Year's Day walk. Cute!

The picture below was the one I was most proud of and I'd just like to say thanks to the person who owns this VW van. Much appreciated!

The picture below is of my sister and her boyfriend. How cute are they!

The next picture below is of me and my Mumma. Shake your wellies!

All the fam together. Just how it should be over Christmas.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year! Even if it wasn't the absolute best it was a better time than what someone else had. Be grateful for everything you have and never take anything for granted.
My Instagram is 'laurahelliwellx' Follow for more photos and more recent updates!

Love x 

Saturday 8 September 2012

Hello Hello Hello

Hello, lovie's!
So, this is all a bit scary and terrifying! 
Oooooo the first ever blog post. Exciting, right? In my life I've always wanted to take a record of all my firsts and never have. This is going to be my first first! haha.
I hope this is jolly good fun and full of love.
Laura(the newby)